Encouraged by the success of the series of „5 O’Clock Pulse” events, we are thrilled to announce that, on 25 of July 2018, we released „ Conversations of Leadership” – a new series of limited edition events, dedicated to the leaders and managers concerned about performance and up-growth, open to inspirational experiences and dialogues.
The events will take place in inner circle, in the form of advanced conversations of leadership facilitated by a professional, in which we will create and experience together the characteristics of the performing leader, by mixing dialogue with the reflection and the practical exercise.
The first edition, „Conversations of Leadership: Executive Presence”, was dedicated to the manner in which those who run and inspire the others stamp their presence on everything they do and wherever they are. What makes some people to get noticed, inspiring strength, confidence and trust, instantly they step into a room? How they line up the inside with the outside, evolving with self balance and safety in the most diverse and complex circumstances? How can we be aware of our presence as leaders and how can it be grow to a higher level?
We tried to answer to all these questions in the first edition of the 25 of July guided by our facilitator, Mihaela Dupleac – professional business coach and consultant with a wealth of experience both in business and in academic domain. The positive energy of Mihaela and the participants was exhibited through a dialogue that built bridges and lead hearts and minds to new visions.
Participation by invitation only. Please express your interest for the attendance to the events in the future and we will be pleased to send you the invitation.