The perfect recipe for a business is an experienced and vocational team of lawyers, gifted with in-depth sight and extensive knowledges, granting the Client the comfort of a professional integrated supervision, both in litigation and business complex matters.
Simona’s in-depth knowledge of dispute resolutions and arbitration, debts recovery and insolvency, corporate and general legal assistance offers the clients a reassuring feeling of trustfulness regarding all the complex business consultancy missions. Simona acted as an in-house lawyer in telecom industries and also as a consultancy lawyer in multinational law companies such as Gruia Dufaut, Gide Loyrette Nouel and Firon Bar Nir, where she refined her consultancy lawyer skills within complex real estate projects, banking and privatizations.
Practice Areas
- Business Contracts & Transactions
- General Legal Assistance
- Corporate
- Dispute Resolutions & Arbitration
- Debts Recovery & Insolvency
- mobil: +(40) 722 149 720
- e-mail: simona.mitranescu@istocescu-vintila.ro
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