The new concept „Business Off, Get Social”, part of the series of events „business and more” successfully get started, being positively received on 12th of December by the protagonists of the 1st Episode (Pilot).
Our guests, admirable peoples from various domains, abandoned in the background their businesses, for a couple of hours, and mingled accompanied by prosecco and cakes, under the guidance of our producer Mrs. Adriana Slav, founder of Smiling Life Coach.
The concept BOGS is more than a networking event, each sesion, out of the multiple we contemplate, trigging one chapter of informal conversations about passions and challenges we desire to share.
The topic of the first session was “Networking Etiquette” and the event has been chaired by two house guests: Mr. Cătălin Grosu, our guest of honour, the President of the Romanina Association for Protocol and Ceremony and Mr. Adrian Murariu, etiquette trainer and co-founder of Etiquette Training.
The exposure has been focused on subjects related to business etiquette, interactively presented and melted with practical illustrations.
The feed-back was positive and incentive, thus beyond the shadow of a doubt, up-coming events shall be hosted by us and chaired by our producer, Mrs. Adriana Slav, representative and founder of Smiling Life Coach, an extremely qualified and smiling fellow in the middle of the business world, so greedy of such figures.
We are await for your suggestions for the next topic and we swear out to keep the same insight: “Nothing formal. No strings attached”. Merely an inducement addressed to our guests by the hosts: “Business Off, Get Social!”.