Two valuable players are joining our team: Alina Mihăilă and Sibel Raşid.
Alina’s professional activity lasting over 17 years up to partner level, within MMO (former NTMO), in association with KPMG legal, speaks for itself. Her experience in coordinating different teams (tax, advisory, financial, environmental) together with a solid legal expertise across local and international environment represents the added value Alina will bring to our flexible and multidisciplinary system. If we take into account her ability and devotion in coordinating complex projects within our firm, we have all the reasons to believe Alina is the ideal Associate Partner of Istocescu&Vintilă-Business Lawyers.
Sibel will also join us as Associate Partner. Her high specialization in business advisory as Managing Associate at MMO (former NTMO) in association with KPMG legal recommends her entirely. Moreover, Sibel has a background of 11 years in legal advisory, being a member of the professional teams of the Ministry of Justice, where she acted as active contributor within the Eu integration programs. Her gained experience particularly in group streamlining covering various reorganization schemes, including mergers and divisions and transfer of undertakings will undoubtedly come in handy to us along our journey.
Regarding the business law, with Alina and Sibel in our team, we feel more competitive than ever before.